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Cletus W. Nicely 

District:  Sharon District
Address: 302 Morgan Drive, Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Telephone: (540) 862-1126 (Home)
                    (540) 863-6152 (Work)
Current Board Term Expires: 12/31/19


Member, Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Corporation Board
Member, Department of Social Services Study Committee
Member, DEQ Consent Order Ad-Hoc Committee 
Member, Clifton Forge Water and Sewer Contract Committee 
Member, RV-ARC Housing Steering Committee 
Member, RV-ARC Transportation Steering Committee 
Member, General Reassessment Evaluation Committee (2011)
Past Community Service, Appointments, and Responsibilities:
Former Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Former Member, Welfare Board 
Former Emergency Services Director
Former Vice-Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Former Chairman, Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Corporation Board
Other Information:
Employee, Dominion Virginia Power