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Richard Lee Shull

District: Clifton Forge West
Address: P.O. Box 408, Clifton Forge, VA 24422 (1117 Elko Street, Selma)
Telephone: (540) 958-5108


Current Board Term Expires: 12/31/17


Clifton Forge Armory Committee - Vice President and Treasurer
VFW Post 4299 Clifton Forge, VA - Holds office of Judge Advocate
Mountaineer Athletic Club - Trustee
Member, Clifton Forge Ad-Hoc Committee
Member, Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission
Past Community Service, Appointments, and Responsibilities:
Selma Volunteer Fire Department - Corporation President and Treasurer, Lieutenant of Firefighting
Epworth United Methodist Church - Youth Leader
Other Information:
Retired Lieutenant and Jail Administrator of Clifton Forge Sheriff's Office
U.S. Army Veteran