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Business Licenses

What Is Needed Before a Business License Is Issued in Alleghany County

Download Required Forms

Download Business License Application
Business License Application

Download Workmans Compensation Certification Form
Workmans Compensation Certification Form

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To conduct, transact and advertise your business under an assumed name (any name other than your own full legal name) you must record the assumed name in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Alleghany County by completing a Certification of Trade Name. The Clerk’s Office is located on Main Street in Covington at the Alleghany County Courthouse. The Clerk of the Court currently charges a $10.00 recordation fee. The recordation of an assumed name is required pursuant to Virginia Code 59-1-69. Corporations and LLC’s must provide articles of incorporation or registration certificates.

Every person applying for a business license shall obtain a letter of Zoning Approval from the Zoning Administrator or County Planner stating that the business location is properly zoned for its intended use by such business. Application for zoning approval can be made at the Alleghany Public Works Department located in the Governmental Complex at 9212 Winterberry Avenue at the Low Moor exit (Exit 21). Public Works currently charges a $10.00 fee for this service.

Pursuant to VA Code 58.1-3714, Alleghany County shall require every contractor to provide written certification of insuring liability for Worker’s Compensation in Virginia at the time any application for issuance or re-issuance of business license that such contractor is in compliance with VA Code 58.1-3714.

Pursuant to VA code 54.1-111.B., Alleghany County shall also require every contractor to furnish proof of a VA state contractor's license.

Before a license can be issued, the owner must make an estimation of gross receipts anticipated to be made through December 31. The license tax is assessed on the estimation of gross receipts (not net after expenses have been deducted) reported plus a fee for the issuance of such license in the amount of $15.00.

The fee schedule is as follows:

DescriptionRateApplication Fee
Contractors.08 per $100
Retail/Direct Sales.10 per $100
Financial/Professional.29 per $100
Repair, Personal & Business Service.18 per $100
Wholesale (Rated based on purchases
rather than gross receipts)
.05 per $100
Peddlers & Itinerant Merchants$10 Per Day,     Not to Exceed       $500 Per Year


Palmistry, Fortune Tellers, & Coliseums$500 Flat Fee
Out of State Photographers$15.00 Flat Fee
Carnivals, Circuses, Speedways$150               Each Performance
Savings Institutions and Credit Unions$50.00 Flat Fee