Alleghany County Planning Commission’s regular meeting is held on the second
Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the
Conference Room of the Alleghany County Governmental Complex
in Low Moor, 9212 Winterberry Avenue, Covington, VA 24426.
Public hearings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00
Duties of the Planning Commission include the review of Subdivision Plats; review and recommendation on rezoning requests; review and update the Comprehensive Plan; and recommend changes to the zoning and subdivision regulations.
questions regarding the Planning Commission, call the Public Works Department at (540) 863-6650,
or e-mail the Commission secretary at
or the County Planner at
including zoning applications, land developments, and subdivisions, to be considered by the Commission must be
submitted by noon on the first Wednesday of the month in order
for the item to be placed on the agenda of the Commission's regular meeting.
Items requiring site visits and public hearings will be addressed at the regular
meeting and officially schedule the public hearing for the first Wednesday of
the following month.
Received |
Received |
Regular Meeting Date |
Hearing Date (if
required) |
February 3, 2016 |
March 2, 2016 |
April 13, 2016 |
May 4, 2016 |
March 2, 2016 |
- |
April 6, 2016 |
May 11, 2016 |
June 1, 2016 |
April 6, 2016 |
- |
May 4, 2016 |
June 8, 2016 |
July 6, 2016 |
May 4, 2016 |
- |
June 1, 2016 |
July 13, 2016 |
August 3, 2016 |
June 1, 2016 |
- |
July 6, 2016 |
August 10, 2016 |
September 7, 2016 |
July 6, 2016 |
- |
August 3, 2016 |
September 14, 2016 |
October 5, 2016 |
August 3, 2016 |
- |
September 7, 2016 |
October 12, 2016 |
November 2, 2016 |
September 7, 2016 |
- |
October 5, 2016 |
November 9, 2016 |
December 7, 2016 |
October 5, 2016 |
- |
November 2, 2016 |
December 14, 2016 |
January 4, 2017 |
November 2, 2016 |
- |
December 7, 2016 |
January 11, 2017 |
February 1, 2017 |
December 7, 2016 |
- |
January 4, 2017 |
February 8, 2017 |
March 1, 2017 |
January 4, 2017 |
- |
February 1, 2017 |
March 8, 2017 |
April 5, 2017 |
February 1, 2017 |
- |
March 1, 2017 |
April 12, 2017 |
May 3, 2017 |
*Dates are subject to change.
Approved by the Planning Commission.
Agenda items should be submitted to the Zoning Office at the Governmental
Complex in Low Moor at the following address.
County Planner/Zoning Administrator
Alleghany County Governmental Complex
9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite A
Covington, VA 24426
Planning Commission members are:
Rodney Tingler, Chairman, Covington District
Kevin Terrell, Vice-Chairman, Jackson River District
James Donald Earwood, Jr., Boiling Springs District
Bill Riley, Falling Spring District
David Halsey, Clifton Forge West District
Richard Engleman, Sharon District
John Hillert, Clifton Forge East District